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    Find the Expedia Virtual Card information

    You can find information for the single-use Expedia Virtual Card (EVC) on the Reservations page or by using the EVC Lookup tool in Partner Central. EVC deactivates 6 months from check-out date. 

    Find the EVC on the Reservations page:

    1. Select Reservations.
    2. Enter the reservation information in the search bar.
    3. Select Search.
    4. Select the guest's name for the booking you want to review. 
    5. Go to Payment method to view the virtual card details. 

    Find the EVC using the EVC Lookup tool:

    1. Go to the EVC Lookup tool
    2. Enter the Reservation ID or Virtual card number and check-in date.
    3. Select Search

    Available information:

    • Expedia Virtual Card number
    • Expiration date
    • Security code (CVV)
    • Booking total
    • Card activation date
    • Transaction date
    • Status/Decline reason
    • Card balance
    • Authorization codes


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