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    Request payment from Expedia Group for Expedia Collect reservations

    You can submit a payment request starting at the check-out date through the next 12 months.

    If your banking details are incomplete, you'll see a pop-up on the Payment Requests page. Make sure your details are accurate before you submit a payment request to avoid delays. If you continue to see the pop-up, it could be due to new banking requirements.

    To submit a payment request:

    1. Select Payments from the navigation menu.
    2. Select Request a payment from Expedia Group under Quick tasks.
    3. Choose to search by Date Range or Reservation ID.

    If you search by Date Range:

    1. Select a date range (up to 31 days), then select Search.
    2. Choose all the reservations you want to include in your payment request.
    3. Review the booking and tax amounts.
    4. Select Create Invoice.

    If you search by Reservation ID:

    1. Enter up to 200 reservation IDs manually.
    2. Select Add.
    3. In the Requested Booking Amount field, enter the reservation amount paid by the guest.
    4. In the Requested Taxes field, enter the tax amount charged on the reservation.
    5. Select Create Invoice.

    If none of the booking details is available, upload a payment request file.

    Once submitted, you can check the payment request status.


    Payment schedule

    Payment is submitted to the bank according to your payment terms, typically 30 days later. Banks may take 2–8 days to process an invoice.

    For a no-show booking or early check-out, contact us to submit a refund request.

    If a booking was invoiced for only a portion of the total amount, submit a new payment request for the remaining amount.


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