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    Viewing a validated credit card information

    You can view the details of a validated credit card for a reservation up to 3 times. For your visibility, we'll track the total attempts for you.

    Credit card details are only available within the following timeframes:

    • 72 hours after a booking is made.
    • 72 hours after a booking is cancelled.
    • 1 day before check-in date through 3 days after check-out date.


    To view a credit card information:

    1. Go to the Reservations page.
    2. Select the reservation you wish to view.
    3. Go to the Hotel Collects Payment module.
    4. View Payment Information and select Show Details.
    5. Partners will be prompted to provide their Partner Central login credentials.


    Important: Credit card details will be visible for 15 minutes. CVV information will not be shown to protect the guest's privacy. 

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