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    Quick tasks

    Create scheduled TravelAds

    Create a Scheduled Ad with your own image and copy, to help you maximize exposure and increase visibility.

    Scheduled Ads can be customized to appear to specific audiences and appear on during the scheduled time.

    To create a scheduled TravelAd:

    1. Sign in to TravelAds.
    2. Select Ad Manager from the navigation menu.
    3. Select the tab Schedule Ads.
    4. Select Create a Scheduled Ad.
    5. Enter a Description.
    6. Choose a Booking window.
    7. Choose a Travel window.
    8. Enter your Bid Increment:

      • This amount is added on top of your CPCs (Cost per Click), which is entered on the Bids and Budget page.

    9. Select an image and enter both headline and description.
    10. Check the Ad preview and review the information.
    11. Select Create Scheduled Ad.

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